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Venice in 2 days: things you must not miss
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Venice in 2 days: things you must not miss

Where to start? Whatever your means of transport is, our hotel is very practical because it is located near the Ponte delle Guglie. You’ll easily reach us on foot: we are just ten minutes away from Piazzale Roma, the bus station, and five from Santa Lucia train station.
First and foremost, we would like to to stop briefly at the hotel so that we can meet: our staff will be happy to give you some tips on how to spend your time in the best possible way, offer you to store your luggage (whatever your arrival time is).
Finally, we’ll provide you with a map so that you won’t… get lost!

Venice in 2 days: day 1

Your first day in Venice will start from just outside the hotel: the pedestrian artery that connects the train station to Rialto Bridge is called Strada Nova. It is the result of several urban changes, making it the perfect thoroughfare to cross Venice. After a few hundred meters from the starting point, across the Ponte dell’Anconeta, a wide calle on the right leads you to Palazzo Vendramin Calergi. Currently, it’s home to the Casino of Venice where, if you like gambling, you can spend some time at the green tables.
Proceeding towards the heart of the city, you’ll reach Ca d’Oro, the famous building overlooking the Grand Canal: its name derives from the gold that originally covered the façade. Nowadays, the palace houses the well-known Galleria Franchetti: an interesting art museum where masterpieces, decorate all the rooms of the building.
A short stop along the way at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi is necessary: the building housed a post office until 2008, but on 2016, it became an attractive center for fashion addicts from all over the world. The free entry panoramic terrace is a sight that you must not miss in your visit of Venice in 2 days.

Leaving the Fondaco, you’ll find wonderful Rialto Bridge on your right. This bridge is one of the symbols of Venice, and the oldest connection point between the two parts of the island. At any time of day, you can let yourself be surrounded by the unique view that the bridge offers: in the morning, the coming and going of boats and gondolas make the canal appear lively, while at night the gentle crashing of waves on the banks of the Grand Canal creates a unique atmosphere.
After a short lunch-break, it’s time to head towards the bel Salotto del Mondo : St. Mark’s Square. Exactly five minutes walk from Rialto bridge, St. Mark’s Square opens itself up to everyone in all its magnificence.
Full of tourists day and night, the square houses the Saint Mark’s Basilica, the Clock Tower, the Palazzo Ducale and the Bell Tower.

We recommend to enjoy the square walking under the arcades, and visit one of these famous attractions: the patriarchal cathedral. Beyond the entrance doors, you’ll understand the reason for its nickname ‘Chiesa d’Oro’. Precious mosaics decorate the basilica, making it the main attraction of Venice.
On the way back, we suggest crossing Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo to avoid walking back along the same streets. The imposing church closes the corner of the square with the Scuola Grande di San Marco, once a confraternity and nowadays the entrance to the city’s civil hospital.
After a refreshing shower, you could go out for a typical aperitivo or a romantic dinner: there are plenty of choices not far from the hotel, for instance along Fondamenta della Misericordia.
Beyond the nightlife along the Fondamenta degli Ormesini, you’ll find a series of small restaurants located on the bank of the canal where you can end the evening in beauty.

Venice in 2 days: day 2

The itinerary for 2 days in Venice will take you to a unique area of the city. The direction to take is opposite to the one you took on the first day: going toward the station and crossing the Ponte degli Scalzi, the first stop is at the Basilica dei Frari. Paying a 3 euro ticket, you’ll have the chance to admire the largest Venetian church that houses nothing less than works of the famous painter Tiziano Vecellio, in addition to the headstones of the sculptor Antonio Canova and Tiziano himself.
After this beautiful church, we suggest stopping appreciate the masterpiece by Gian Antonio Fumiani that covers the ceiling of the Chiesa di San Pantalon. This is not a fresco, but a huge painting on canvas, stretching about 445 square meters. The entry is free, and it is worth getting just in to have a look at it.

Crossing Campo Santa Margherita and following the municipal signs posted on the buildings, it is quite easy to get to the Accademia Bridge. Recently renovated, the large wooden bridge is a vantage point to take some great photos and capture your best moments in Venice.

Moving towards the Punta della Dogana, you’ll arrive in front of one of the most famous architectural complexes in Venice. The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute was designed by Baldassare Longhena on projects by Andrea Palladio, and represents a votive offering for the city’s deliverance from the plague in the 17th century.
After passing the tip of the island, you can enjoy a beautiful walk along the Fondamenta delle Zattere. Kissed by the sun, stop for lunch in one of the many restaurants that overlook Giudecca island and relax your tired legs after so many kilometers.